Sunday, June 30, 2013

Fear Factor Part 4: Faith Over Fear

I have come to the last entry in my series on fear, and this exercise has been a great blessing to me. I’ve been able to rethink my own ideology and habits, and I’ve received feedback that these posts have helped others. Thanks for the encouragement to keep things going. Without further ado, let’s get into the topic of placing your faith above your fear.

First, let’s define faith. You may know it as a belief in something for which there is no proof, a commitment to God’s teaching or a strong belief in something or someone. I like to define it as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Yes, I took that straight from the Bible (Hebrews 11:1). For me, this definition has exemplified the process of believing in something even when everything else says, “There’s no way that can happen.”

I used to believe I had strong faith until it was truly, and I mean truly, tested. I’m talking about the kind of test that has you praying on your knees day in and day out, crying ‘til there are no more tears, angry in your waiting, wanting with all of your being to get it right and seeing nothing but what’s wrong. I’m also talking about that point when all that’s left is your weary, battered and humbled self. When you’ve been tested like that and you can still hear that voice that tells you to keep going, then you’ve truly experienced faith.

I challenge you to tap into that faith and place it above fear. Hold onto that pole during the storm and say, “I won’t let go!” Remember what you’re working toward and stop looking back—your fear is there and it’s waiting for your return, but your faith is right next to you. Your faith wants to wrap its arms around you and take you to the next step where hope is waiting. So keep walking.

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