Friday, May 23, 2014

Can't I?

The other day I was stuck in rush hour traffic when I saw a personalized plate that read “CANTI.” I immediately processed it as “Can’t I?” I’m not sure if that was the motorist's intention, but that's definitely what registered with me. 

The license plate was particularly significant to me because  our daughter has been saying “I can’t” lately when it comes to her daily routine. I’m quick to correct her by saying “Yes you can” or “Don’t say can’t. You can.” My logic may be lost upon her, as she is only two, but it’s important for me to start shaping her thinking now. When she is older, I hope that “I can’t” does not prevent her from chasing something that is part of what God has created just for her. 

That license plate left a lasting reminder that sometimes you have to be courageous enough to say “Can’t I?” when so many voices are saying “You can’t.”
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