Friday, May 23, 2014

Can't I?

The other day I was stuck in rush hour traffic when I saw a personalized plate that read “CANTI.” I immediately processed it as “Can’t I?” I’m not sure if that was the motorist's intention, but that's definitely what registered with me. 

The license plate was particularly significant to me because  our daughter has been saying “I can’t” lately when it comes to her daily routine. I’m quick to correct her by saying “Yes you can” or “Don’t say can’t. You can.” My logic may be lost upon her, as she is only two, but it’s important for me to start shaping her thinking now. When she is older, I hope that “I can’t” does not prevent her from chasing something that is part of what God has created just for her. 

That license plate left a lasting reminder that sometimes you have to be courageous enough to say “Can’t I?” when so many voices are saying “You can’t.”
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Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Spark and a Pin(terest)!

Image from
Have you ever received a tidbit of information that you knew would spark a flame? The other day, I got that tidbit. I was watching an interview between Author Marketing Club’s Jim Kukral and author Gary Vaynerchuk. When Jim asked Gary how fiction writers (who are often reluctant to get into social media) can be successful at book marketing, his response struck a chord. Gary said that fiction authors should be taking on the persona of our characters and creating social media accounts in the characters’ names.

Now, this is not a new idea for me. In fact, I have notes from an article or two more than a year ago that say precisely what Gary suggested. At the time I said, that’s a great idea. I should do it! And life went on. It was not until I saw the interview that I received that idea.  While Broken Vessels was published 10 months ago, the sequel is on deck. So Trinity Porter (my main character) still has lots to say. Those of you who’ve “met” her know she’s a funny, down-to-earth girl with a penchant for sarcasm, love for Detroit and many profound thoughts.

Follow Me (Err, Trinity) on Pinterest

I know people want to hear her voice before the sequel to Broken Vessels is released, and now you can check out Trinity on Pinterest! Go to to see what she’s up to. Please follow her. She hasn't made friends yet, and I would not want her to get a complex.

P.S. Gary, you said that maybe one person who watched the interview would follow your advice. You’ve got one right here.

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Dormant Season

“It’s cold, mommy!” My daughter uttered these words after I pulled her bundled body from the car seat. “It is cold, baby!” I ensured that only her eyes were exposed, held her close and dashed into the house. In the last six weeks, this scenario has played out day after day. I’m used to it now, having experienced the snowiest winter on record in Metro Detroit in 36 years, as well as the coldest I ever remember. Like many Michiganders, I’m so over it. I’m tired of aching knees, icy streets, mounds of snow and bitter temps.

This weather hasn’t made it easy to move forward with some things I committed to in the last few months. For instance, this winter my inner voice has often said, “Let’s go to the gym.” My combative inner child has responded by thrashing around on the floor and yelling “Noooo, it’s too cold!” or “I want cake!” Let’s just say that I’m looking for a muzzle to fit my inner child. Then there are household tasks--like having both a clean office and a clean bedroom at the same time (#fail). And of course, there are these writing goals. I’ve done a decent job of working on my new novel, but when it comes to consistency in blogging and social media, I kind of suck. I think it’s because so many ideas are floating around in my brain that I entertain many and commit to few. Consequently, I feel like I’m in a dormant season.

My own revelation of dormancy reminds me of the cycle of seasons. In winter, nature goes into a waiting state. Vegetation that was plush and colorful a few months ago is now barren and frozen in time. I realize that my absence from this blog and sporadic resurfacing on social media have probably given the appearance that I, too, am suspended from life, but I ask you to note my use of the term “appearance.”

You see, when something provides an appearance, the visual may not reflect the reality. Yesterday I watched snow flurries dance outside the window and saw a tree in our yard that had the appearance of death. Since we’ve been in our home, beautiful red berries, resembling tiny maraschino cherries, blossom on that tree. Today that tree looks absent of life, but I know there’s something going on in the inside that proves it’s alive. An energy moves through that tree’s roots, trunk, branches and bark that will manifest in spring. It is preparing for a season of harvest.

This understanding encourages me this winter. Though I might appear to be dormant, please know that something is alive on the inside. Yes, this has been a time of rest, but I am preparing for a harvest of my own. Spring is right around the corner.

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Confessions of a Good Writer With a Sucky System

I confess:  Despite my love for fiction, I end up reading more nonfiction in a year than fiction. Often times I read books about writing, marketing and the like. Last week I finished “Your First 1000 Copies” by Tim Grahl. I wasn’t sure what to expect beyond tips on developing an e-mail distribution list and the power of marketing. I found that the book is filled with useful information on growing your platform, building your audience and understanding how to connect with your fans. So it’s funny that the thing that resonated was actually a statement about process.

Grahl noted that creating newsletters, blog posts, social media, guest articles and the like can be a daunting task. I nodded my head in agreement, pointing to my personal struggles with keeping my own outreach methods going on a continuous basis. Grahl went on to discuss the fact that some writers have a flawed system of execution that prevents them from producing results, or at least producing them with ease. Then, he did it. With these words, he pounced on each of my little piggies as they hid in the darkened toe box of my metallic patent leather pumps:

“Unfortunately, some writers do fall victim to this idea due to poor execution. Such writers often come from a journalism, academic or other traditional writing background. To them, their system involves identifying something to write (via an article assignment, book deal, etc.) and then putting their head down to research and write it. That approach is terribly inefficient and, frankly, boring because it’s very isolating and lonely.”

Ouch! This little piggy cried wee, wee, wee, wee alllll the way home. Okay, I didn’t really cry, but it was a wake-up call.  I realized that I am that writer—the one with the journalistic and traditional writing background; the one with degrees in Print Journalism and Technical Communication; the one who worked as a technical writer for seven years; the one with experience in corporate writing; the one who has written freelance biographies, articles and more. I’ve been programmed to plan, research, write and edit. When it comes to anything but fiction, I often find myself mulling over the details so much that by the time I finish brainstorming, it’s midnight, I’ve written nothing and I have to go to work the next morning. Either that or I end up writing a dissertation that takes four hours to write and is too long for people to actually read.

Point taken, Mr. Grahl. Thanks for being that fire under my bum. Excuse me while I review my highlights in “Your First 1000 Copies.”

In Search of a New System….

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

985 Days

I’ve waited for today for a considerably long time—nearly three years, 985 days to be exact. My anticipation was heightened because this day was actually supposed to come 15 months ago. For each of those 985 days I had one thing on my mind—the finish line. Each month I made a short trek to a familiar office where I got adjustments that put me just a little bit closer to this day. Between visits, I dealt with discomfort that eventually eased as the process continued but inevitably returned when I went for adjustments.

For the last year, I’ve gotten my hopes up numerous times, looking for an end date. Last month, I finally got that date—September 12—and I’ve been pretty compliant with my end of the bargain. I’ve followed doctor’s orders and counted down the days. After a setback about a week ago, I was nervous that my end date might get pushed back. I envisioned myself getting bad news at my appointment and jumping on a table yelling, “Just hand me the pliers!”

I was so over:

·         metal and ceramic

·         speaking with an occasional lisp

·         biting my cheek

·         flossing with threaders

·         wires that poked

·         sores

·         rubber bands


Thank God (and yes I prayed about it) that I finally got my day of freedom.  

I’d like you to know that I’m sharing this not just to go on a dramatic rant, but to share what I’ve learned through this experience. Having braces as an adult has taught me:

·         The importance of patience

·         To remember that there are many things outside of my control

·         Moving in the right direction often hurts

·         Things don’t always go as you expect them to

·         If you stay on track, you will see the beauty that results from your effort

So whatever you are waiting on, hang in there, folks. If you stick to your plan, the end date will come—even if your plan changes.

Mama’s signing off and she will enjoy the opportunity to eat a whole apple (no slices) this weekend!

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Circumstances, Excuses and Sheer Laziness

I’ve been away from my blog for a while—about seven weeks if you’re counting. That’s like an aeon in Blog Land. Clearly, I’m standing at the crossroads of “What the heck are you waiting for?” and “Just pack it up and go home.”

So how did I get here? Well, it started with the proliferation of a number of circumstances. First, there was nurturing the little one’s virus that kept her up late and required medication every four hours. Then there was preparation for my first book signing in August, for which I traded writing time for planning time (check out the pictures here). Next, I had to handle a couple of projects for my daytime job that crept into my evening and early-morning hours. Add to that my daughter’s obliterated bedtime, which we’ve struggled to regain ever since she got sick, and well… I looked up and it was September. But there were some good circumstances at hand, too. For instance, I took time to share some treasured moments with my family before our beautiful Michigan weather changes and limits the outdoor activities we’ve come to enjoy over the last few months.

Now that September has ushered in a reminder of getting back to business, I have spent the last few days trying to get my head around my writing affairs. Despite the fact that I’ve got a two-page document on blog topic ideas, I’ve struggled with not only what to write, but also how to get back into things and how to commit the time. It became easier to put writing on the shelf so I would not have to think about it.

The process of regaining focus reminds me of how easy it is to look up one day and realize that your dream has slipped out of your grip. If you’ve been following this blog, you know I’m passionate about breathing life into dreams. You’ll also probably realize that when I downloaded “Joyce Meyer:  Promises for Your Everyday Life--a Daily Devotional” and found that one of the first devotionals was on jump starting your dream, I knew it was a divine reminder to get back on track.

As part of that devotional, Joyce (I’m taking the liberty of calling her by her first name because in my imagination, I know her personally) noted two requirements for jump starting your dreams:

1.       Have a clear vision.

2.       Keep your vision in front of you at all times.

This hit home because for the last few weeks, I’ve been struggling with both tasks. First, I was asking myself what was the next step for my vision? Would I plan another book signing, focus on book clubs, do more blog tours or write new material? I truly didn’t know. Second, I had pushed my vision out of my direct line of sight and into my peripheral vision. I knew it was there. I could see it, but I wasn’t focusing on it.

How did this happen? The answer is simple. I allowed circumstances to take the driver’s seat and excuses and sheer laziness were riding shotgun! There they were—the three of them shouting about how much I had to do, how tired I was, how nothing had inspired me and how there just wasn’t enough time to do things in the way I wanted them to be done. Well, it’s time to regroup and refuel. I’m putting circumstances in the back seat and kicking excuses and sheer laziness out of the car. I’m taking control of the wheel and encouraging you to do the same for your dream. I’ll be keeping you posted about this mission, too.

In the meantime, if you need a reminder for how to stay in the driver’s seat, feel free to borrow mine. It’s not actually mine; I got it from my dear friend (in my head) Joyce, who wrote something profound in the devotional I told you about. As part of prayer to Jesus, she wrote, “I chose to trust You to help me live the dream You’ve given me more than I trust my circumstances.”

Did someone just say Amen?

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Monday, July 15, 2013

When the Plan Plummets

There is a lesson that I’m supposed to be learning right now. How do I know? Well, the last 10 days have hit me over the head with reminders that I’m not in control, nor is any man. No matter how much planning I do, there is always the possibility that my expected result won’t come to pass.
The first reminder came on the fourth of July. I was excited that my first radio interview was scheduled to air that day. It was my day off, as well as a day off for nearly everyone knew. I wanted people to listen in, so I scheduled social media updates, plugged the interview in my subscriber newsletter and made sure family and friends knew how to tune in. Even the gracious host who interviewed me spent days plugging the interview on social media.
As the hour neared, everything was in order. I got my daughter down for her nap and waited with my husband for those last few minutes. When the theme music played, I prepared for the moment of truth. Thoughts ran through my mind.
·         Did I say “umm”?
·         I hope I wasn’t breathing too hard into the headset.
·         Did my answers make sense?
·         Would it be hard to listen to my own voice for 30 minutes?
But there was one question I did not ask: What if they accidentally air the wrong interview?
That question did not cross my mind, but it’s the one question that could have prepared me, because that’s exactly what happened. Initially, I was mortified. After about two minutes it was clear that the wrong interview was going to air for duration of the segment.
Eventually—hours later—I saw the humor in it. It was totally beyond my control and the host’s control. I haven’t been in the radio world since I was a deejay at my high school radio station, but I do know that human error occurs. It was just a mistake.
The host and the radio station were extremely apologetic and went above and beyond anything I could have expected in a situation like this. They not only aired it later that day, but they also aired it four times over the course of a week. That meant even more exposure and more opportunity to reach people with information they were looking for. What a blessing!
Maybe I’m getting a lesson in perseverance. Maybe I’m getting a lesson in flexibility. Maybe it’s not about me at all. There could have been someone out there who couldn’t listen at the original time, but needed to hear our discussion on self-publishing. My hope is that someone heard it and it was motivation for her own dream.  I don’t know the true reason for this lesson and the other lessons I’ve experienced lately, but I do know I’m being prepared for this exciting and somewhat daunting path I’ve chosen.
So I will keep pressing forward and will do so with flexibility. For now, I etch this in my memory: “Write your goals in concrete and your plans in sand.” –Anonymous
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